BS in Education: Biology - Curriculum Requirements

BS Education: Biology Degree Audit



Academic Foundations

_______1105________________________________       4CR        

(Broad Enduring Interest)                                      

EDU1205 Nature of Work: The Other Side

                   of the Teacher’s Desk                  2CR       

LAS1305 Wellness: _______________________     2CR       



(WRI courses require a C- or better.)

WRI1002 Composition and Rhetoric II      4CR        

WRI2012 Advanced Composition                4CR        

EDU4050 Clinical Internship                                              See EDU


STEM Engagement

MTH1600 Precalculus or

MTH2151 Calculus I                                       4CR        

BIO1150 General Biology I                                           See Biology


Culture & Society

EDU2000 Foundations of Education                               See EDU

________________________________________              4CR        

(Global Culture)

________________________________________               4CR        

(Creative Expression)


Biology Requirements (40 Credits)

Prerequisites are in parentheses

BIO1150 General Biology I (No Prreeq)                 4CR        

BIO1160 General Biology II (BIO1150)                  4CR        

BIO2200 Anatomy & Physiology I (BIO1150&1160) 4CR        

BIO2210 Anatomy & Physiology II (BIO2200)    4CR        

BIO3100 Genetics (BIO1150, BIO1160, MTH1501)               4CR        

BIO3200 Comp Vertebrate Anatomy (No Prereq)  4CR        

BIO3210 Animal Physio. & Behavior (No Prereq) 4CR       

BIO3300 Cell and Molec. Biology (No Prereq)      4CR        

BIO3500 Microbiology (BIO1150& 1160, CHM1100)         4CR        

BIO4000 Ecology (No Prereq)                                 4CR        


Related Requirements (20 Credits)

CHM1100 General Chemistry I                     4CR        

CHM1110 General Chemistry II                   4CR        

CHM2050 Organic Chemistry I                    4CR        

CHM2060 Organic Chemistry II                   4CR        

MTH1501 Statistics I                                     4CR        

Education Requirements (32 Credits)

All Education courses below must have a grade of B- or better.

EDU2000 Foundations of Education           4CR        

EDU2004 Foundations of Education:

Teaching in the Content Areas      4CR        

Courses below may only be taken after admission to the Education Department

EDU3054 Literacy in The Content

Areas                                                  4CR        

EDU3058 Biology Curriculum

               and Instruction                                4CR        

EDU3080 Clinical Experience:

Teaching Practicum and

               Assessing Outcomes                        4CR        

EDU4024 Applications in Literacy              2CR        

EDU4050 Clinical Internship:

Student Teaching                             10CR     


Related Education Requirements (4 Credits)

EDP2001 Preschool & School-Aged

               Dev (3-18 Years)                              4CR        

Teacher of Students with Disabilities (21 Credits)

EDP3013 Psychology of High And

               Low Incidence Exceptionalities    4CR        

EDU3000 Assistive Technology                   1CR        

EDU3031 Special Ed: Learner’s Perspect.  4CR        

EDU3033 Lang Development, Comm.

               and Lit in Spec Ed                            4CR        

EDU3034 Spec Ed Methods & Materials     4CR        

EDU3038 Classroom Management

               For Challenging Behaviors             4CR        



EST2015 Intro to Equine Assisted

               Activities & Therapy                       2CR        

SLN1003 American Sign Language I 2CR'

SLN1004 American Sign Language II 2CR


TOTAL NUMBER OF CREDITS:                  145


  1. To earn a Bachelor degree, all graduates must successfully complete a minimum of 145 credit hours. At least 16 credits can be taken in summers and at community colleges to complete the certification in four years.
  2. Minimum of 32 credits must be taken at Centenary University.
  3. New Jersey requires that candidates for certification achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
  4. Graduates must have a minimum of an overall 3.0 GPA.
  5. Courses that are special topic listed in the title, typically ending with a 99, are repeatable. Courses are counted multiple times and do not replace grades of the previous special topic course.
  6. Credits can only be shared between the core and the major or core and minor requirements. Shared credits within the core requirements is not allowed.
  7. Please continue seeing your advisor for advisement as requirements may change due to changes in NJDOE code and regulations.