Extenuating Circumstances

Examples of Appropriate Circumstances for an appeal:

  • The death of an immediate family member or close relative: spouse, child, parent, step-parent, sibling
  • The onset of a medical or mental health condition that prohibits your continued attendance
  • An accident or injury that prohibits your continued attendance
  • A substantive administrative error made by the University
  • Call to active military duty or training
  • Need to relocate or leave the country to care for an immediate family members’ health. (Spouse, child, parent, step-parent, sibling)

Examples of Unacceptable Circumstances for an appeal:

  • Personal errors in judgement or irresponsibility involving availability of finances (including but limited to non-qualification, late application, or loss of eligibility for financial aid or scholarships), academic ability, child care, time management or transportation.
  • Lack of knowledge and/or misinterpretation of University policies and procedures as published in the Centenary University Academic Catalog, the student handbook, or the Centenary website.
  • Dissatisfaction with course content, academic progress, course requirements prior to registration and attendance, and/or personal conflicts with faculty member of record. Academic issues must be addressed with the appropriate academic chairperson or Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • Voluntary/involuntary acceptance of employment or other activity impacting ability to attend class (i.e. lack of child care; work schedule/hours change; business trip; vacation).
  • Voluntary enlistment in the armed forces.
  • A pre-existing medical or mental health condition that began prior to the semester in which you withdrew.
  • Pregnancy (unless a doctor certifies that you are unable to continue to attend school because of complications in your pregnancy occurring after the start of the semester).
  • Changing your mind, about attending Centenary, your major/program or the courses you registered for, after the start of the semester.
  • Incarceration in a civilian or military facility
  • Academic Dismissal or Expulsion from the University.