Deployment/Readmit Policy


Called to Active Duty

If you are called to active duty or receive emergency activation/full deployment orders to active duty during a semester in progress or after admission but prior to the start of the term for which you are admitted, please notify the Director of the Office of Veteran Services. This can be done in person or via email. The active duty orders must include the date you are to report for duty and the length of time of service. The official documentation is required in order to receive a military withdrawal. A military withdrawal results in the assignment of “W” for all classes, which does not factor into the GPA and allows for a full refund of tuition and fees. Military withdrawal may impact Satisfactory Academic Progress and may adversely affect federal and state financial aid. You cannot receive a military withdrawal or a refund for semesters that have already been completed. Standard or scheduled military training exercises do not qualify or meet the above established policy guidelines for obtaining a military withdrawal during any semester. Please contact the Academic Success and Advising Center to initiate the process to formally withdraw from the university.

Centenary University will waive the advance notice requirement if such notice is precluded by military necessity (classified mission, operation, or exercise, etc.). If you did not submit advance notice previously you can, subsequently, submit it at the time of readmission. Documentation must attest to uniformed service that necessitated absence from the University.

Returning Service Member

If you are returning to Centenary University following Active Duty in the military you are eligible for readmission into the same degree/major you were pursuing or admitted to pursue at the time you were called to active duty, dependent upon whether that degree and/or major is still active . You will be assigned an academic advisor to ensure completion of degree requirements. You must notify the Office of Transfer Admissions (Undergraduate Students) or the Office of Graduate Enrollment (Graduate Students) at least 20 business days prior to the beginning of the term for which you intend to enroll. It is recommended that you begin the readmission process at your earliest convenience.

Please contact the Office of Veteran Services and be prepared to submit a copy of your DD214 Member-4 reflecting honorable discharge. If you fail to apply for readmission within five (5) years after completion of your Active Duty requirement, then you will be subject to the institution’s established readmission policy and general practices in effect at the time. Centenary University will make a concerted effort to work with you on readmission to the institution when circumstances deviate from the norm.