Academic Internship Program

Professional preparation is provided for students through internships developed in cooperation with business, industry, government and social service agencies. Internships are a proven approach to connect learning with the world of work, and are available and encouraged. Internship assignments enable students to continue and complete their education in a meaningful way. These cooperative arrangements also allow employers to evaluate students over an extended time period for potential full-time employment following graduation.

The Career Center & Internship Coordinator manages the efforts of the student, employer and faculty advisor so that the student gains occupational experience related to the major field of study. The Internship Coordinator can assist the student in searching and applying for various internship opportunities via existing relationships between employers and Centenary University. Should the student opt to work with the Internship Coordinator, the Centenary University Internship Offer Acceptance Policy must be signed.

To be eligible for internship credits, a student must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 prior to the internship semester
  • Have completed at least 30 academic credits
  • Interview for the position on an open, competitive basis.
  • Consult with their faculty advisor, develop learning objectives, and complete an academic paper or project for a grade
  • Attend classes on campus while maintaining the responsibilities of the job (with the exception of a summer internship)

A student may earn an overall maximum of 16 internship credits during their academic career at Centenary University. Internship credits may be obtained during the fall, spring, or summer semesters. Students must complete the following internship hours to receive credit: 37.5 hours per credit

*Internship credits will be added to a student’s scheduled course load and count as a class. The addition of a 4-credit internship may put a student over the 18-credit limit, in which case the student will be responsible to pay for the overage.

The academic internship program is available to traditional undergraduate students. An internship must be a program-related, horizon-expanding experience.

The following regulations must be followed in order to obtain internship approval:

  • Current full-time employment may not be used for internship credit.
  • A student may intern for no more than 8 credits at the same internship employer, even if the employer has multiple locations.
  • The intern may not be supervised by a relative.
  • All internships must be approved prior to beginning internship duties.
  • Students may not complete an unapproved internship at any time and attempt to receive credit for it afterwards.
  • Summer internship credit may not be transferred to any other semester.
  • Students must be attending Centenary University at the time of the internship in order to receive academic credit for it.
  • Students with Centenary University Code of Conduct violations (please see Centenary University Student Code of Conduct; Offenses and Jurisdiction) will not be allowed the opportunity to participate in the internship program.

The for-credit internship application process is as follows:

  1. The student should visit the Career Development Center to obtain information and potential companies to intern with.
  2. The student should then speak with their faculty advisor to inform them that they are interested in interning. The advisor may provide guidance regarding the student’s schedule and ability to intern, preparedness, and academic expectations.
  3. If the student meets the eligibility criteria above, the two-page registration form from the Internship Coordinator in the Career Development Center must be obtained. The supervisor at the internship site must first complete the “Responsibilities” section first and sign the registration form before the student continues the application process.
  4. The student then consults with their faculty advisor, who will assign learning objectives and an academic assignment, and sign the form. No student will receive credit without the signed consent of their advisor. All internships must be pre-approved.
  5. The student then sees the Department Chair, who will approve and sign the registration form.
  6. The student will return the paperwork with the required signatures to the Internship Coordinator for approval.
  7. The student must complete and submit all paperwork to the Career Development Center, as well as register for the internship credits with the Registrar, prior to the start of the actual internship opportunity. If this deadline is not met, the student may be denied the internship for credit opportunity.

At the completion of the internship, an evaluation form is sent to the employer, and the completed form is then given to the academic advisor to use in determining the student’s internship grade. The Internship Coordinator may schedule a site visit with the employer (amid the duration of the internship) to survey the location and work environment, observe the student working on-site, and discuss the employer’s satisfaction with the student’s work. Students may also be asked to complete a student evaluation at the completion of their internship for internship assessment purposes.

Students may also inquire about non-credit internship opportunities in the Career Development Center. However, if a student engages in an off-campus internship opportunity, the student will not be covered under Centenary University insurance and the school holds no liability for their actions at the internship site.