BIO-2301 Marine Biology

The field of marine biology utilizes many different scientific disciplines to explore a variety of ecosystems. This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of how ecological principles operate in marine and aquatic ecosystems. Marine communities dominate the globe and provide rich biodiversity that ultimately affects every form of life on the planet. The course will introduce the physical, chemical, and biological processes that promote and maintain life in the sea. Students will study estuaries, salt marshes, and beaches to acquire an understanding of the functioning of ecosystems in this region. This course may require field trips to local estuaries and beaches as well as an aquarium. Field work will be supported with scientific studies and working knowledge of the local marine flora and fauna that characterize these ecosystems.




TAKE BIO-2301 concurrently with the BIO-2101, LAB, course. First plan both courses and then click Register Now button.


Take with BIO-2101