Campus Life
The mission of the Office of Campus Life is to contribute to the creation and maintenance of an educational co‐curricular experience for all part‐time and full‐time students. The Office works to provide a supportive and inclusive atmosphere that will enhance students' personal development, persistence within and commitment to the University community and beyond. Personal development is defined as helping students achieve their own potential by cultivating their self‐improvement skills as they relate to themselves, their community and their profession, inside and outside the classroom environment. This mission will be accomplished through assessing, understanding and responding to student needs; developing, promoting and implementing co‐curricular programs; empowering student leaders and contributing to their effectiveness; and providing responsive advising, career and personal counseling, food, health, security and tutorial services, among others. These measures are designed and instituted in concert with the faculty and academic programs of the University, as well as with other service‐oriented departments, including Admissions, Athletics, Student Accounts Office, Facilities Operations, Library and Registrar.
Centenary University attempts to keep close and personal contact with students through the Office of Campus Life. The staff is responsible for developing programs and activities which aid in a student's social and emotional development. The aim is to make the University experience rich and rewarding for all students. The Office serves as a central resource area in helping students deal with problems and concerns. Students may receive help from members of the Campus Life staff or through referral to other personnel. The office also has the responsibility for student disciplinary processes and for processing changes in student residency status.