BSW in Social Work (BSW) - Curriculum Requirements
Technical Competencies - Social Work
Technical Standards
- Demonstrate intent and desire to follow relevant ethical standards
- Students will develop the professional demeanor to be successful in the program
- Maintain the standards of behavior established by the university, the BSW Program and the social work profession
- Demonstrate adherence to the NASW Code of Ethics; commitment to social work values of service, social justice, the dignity and worth of the person, the importance of human relationships, integrity and competence
- College-level critical thinking and communication skills
- Responsible and accountable behavior (keeping appointments, attending class regularly, submitting assignments on time, etc.)
- The ability to interact in a positive and respectful way with others, including those who are different from oneself
- Self-awareness and maturity necessary to appropriately assist others in the helping process
- Reflection on one’s own strengths and limitations as they relate to the social work profession
- Advocate for oneself in an appropriate and responsible manner and to use proper channels for conflict resolution
- Willingness to accept and make use of feedback to enhance professional development
- Manage one’s current life stressors appropriately and willingness to seek out appropriate support and professional assistance if personal, mental health and/or substance abuse problems negatively affect one’s functioning.
Field Placement Eligibility
- Eligibility for Field Placement (senior-level courses SWS 4050, 4051, 4023, 4060, 4061, 4098)
- Only students who are already admitted to the BSW Program and who are about to enter their senior year can apply for a social work field placement.
- Students must have earned a C- or better in Social Work Practice I and II (SWS 3021 and SWS 3022) and maintain a 2.5 GPA overall in order to be granted a field placement.
- Acceptance into Fieldwork will be based not only on a student’s academic performance; consideration will also be given to the student’s demonstrated reliability, ethical behavior, capacity for self-reflection and empathy, and ability to develop and maintain cooperative and collegial relationships.
- If there is a concern about placing a student in the field, the Field Director (along with the Program Director and other members of the BSW Program faculty, if appropriate) will meet with the student to discuss the student’s suitability to the social work profession and the BSW program. A final decision regarding the student’s eligibility for Fieldwork will be made by the Field Director, in consultation with the Program Director and other members of the BSW Program faculty.
On rare occasions, and only with the explicit consent of the Field Director, the Program Director and the Field Instructor, a student on Academic Probation may be allowed to enter or remain in the field on a provisional basis. In such a case, an addendum specifying the agreement will be added to the Field Placement Contract.
BSW Bachelor of Social Work Degree Audit
Total number of credits: 120
- To earn a bachelor degree, all graduates must successfully complete 120 credit hours.
- A minimum of 30 credits must be taken at Centenary University.
- All graduates must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above.
- All graduates must have a minimum of 2.0 GPA in their major(s).
- Courses that are special topic listed in the title, typically ending with a 99, are repeatable. Courses are counted multiple times and do not replace grades of the previous special topic course.
- Credits can only be shared between the core and the major or core and minor requirements. Shared credits within the core requirements is not allowed.
- Students will be guided by the degree audit sheet in effect at the time they declare specific major(s).
- Freshman and sophomore students who intend to pursue a Bachelor of Social Work degree at Centenary should declare their major as “Social Work Candidate.” Centenary students may apply to the BSW program during the spring semester of their sophomore year. Transfer students entering their junior year may apply to the BSW program concurrently with their application to the University. A GPA at or above 2.8 is required for admission to the program, although provisional acceptance will be considered for students with a GPA at or above 2.5 who demonstrate strengths in all other areas of evaluation.
- BSW students who intend to apply for a BCWEP traineeship (to work for DCP&P) must take SWS 3075 Child Welfare as an elective in the spring of their sophomore or junior year.
- *Students who enter the Centenary Social Work program in their first two years should complete SOC 1000 Contemporary Social Issues.
- In the event a course is able to count as a CORE requirement and a Major/Major-related requirement, the student may need to take additional elective(s) to reach the minimum credit requirement of 120 CR.
Centenary University
Bachelor of Social Work
Recommended Four Year Sequence
YEAR 1 (Fall)
Course #
LAS 1305
SWS 1205
Nature of Work
SOC 1000
Contemporary Issues
WRI 1001/1002
Comp. & Rhet. I or Comp. Rhet. II
YEAR 1 (Spring)
Course #
[Dept] 1105
Broad, Enduring Interest
SWS 1000
Intro. to Social Work
Culture & Soc.
Creative Expression & Creative Self
Comp, & Rhet. II or Advanced Comp.
COM 2001
Public Speaking
Culture & Soc.
Cultural Understanding in a Global Context
MTH 1500
Statistics for Social Science
YEAR 2 (Spring)
PSY 1000
Introduction to Psychology
SOC 2080
Social Stratification
Lab Science
Culture & Soc.
Social & Community Responsibility |
SWS 3000
Human Behavior & Social Environment I
SWS 3001
Social Welfare Policy & Services I
SWS 3021
Social Work Practice I
YEAR 3 (Spring)
SWS 3002
Social Welfare Policy & Services II
SWS 3010
Human Behavior & Social Environment II
SWS 3022
Social Work Practice II
Elective2 (Consider SWS3075 Child Welfare)
YEAR 4 (Fall)
SWS 4002
Research Methods
SWS 4023
Social Work Practice III
SWS 4050
Field Work I
SWS 4051
Field Seminar I
YEAR 4 (Spring)
SWS 4098
Social Work Seminar
SWS 4060
Field Work II
SWS 4061
Field Seminar II
Total Credits
- Freshman and sophomore students who intend to pursue a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree at Centenary University should declare their major as “Social Work Candidate.” Centenary students may apply to the BSW program during the spring semester of their sophomore year. Transfer students entering their junior year may apply to the BSW program concurrently with their application to the University. A GPA of 2.8 is required for admission to the program, although provisional acceptance will be considered for students with a GPA at or above 2.5 who demonstrates strengths in all other areas of evaluation.
- 2 Students who intend to apply for a BCWEP traineeship (to work for DCP&P) must take SWS 3075 Child Welfare as an elective in the spring of their sophomore or junior year.