Teacher Leader Certification-12 credits


Program Description

The Teacher Leader Endorsement Program is specifically designed to meet the distinctive needs of the contemporary K-12 teachers and prepare them to be teacher leaders as they address the challenges of the 21st century classroom. The New Jersey Teacher Leader Endorsement gives teachers the opportunity to take on additional leadership responsibilities and opportunities such as serving as instructional coaches, new-hire mentors, or team leaders. Teacher leaders may also lead professional development, design and develop curriculum, communicate and work with stakeholders, and plan community or family events. This 4-course (12-credit) program aligns with the Teacher Leader Model Standards. Each course includes clinical experiences embedded within the coursework. Candidates will work with a supervisor in their school who will review and support their clinical work.


Program Goals

Teacher leaders will develop skills to meet the Teacher Leader Model Standards, including:

  • Creating a collaborative classroom and school community with faculty, families, and community members
  • Continuing research on teaching practice
  • Developing professional development opportunities
  • Understanding assessment methods and analyzing assessment data
  • Serving as an advocate for students


Program Requirements

  • Graduate students must achieve a grade of “B” or higher in each course and must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in order to receive a degree. Any graduate student who receives more than one grade of “C” (to include C+, C, or C-) will be dismissed from the program. A graduate student who has received a grade of “C” must repeat the course. No grades of “D” will be given (anything lower than a C- is an F). A grade of “F” will result in dismissal from the program. Note: If a student repeats a course in which a grade of “C” has been received, both the original grade and the repeated grade will count in the GPA. The original grade of “C” will be used to determine eligibility to stay in or to be removed from the program.
  • Evaluation letter: Candidates must have earned at least two annual summative ratings of effective or highly effective during the 3 most recent years
  • Satisfactory completion of coursework and clinical experience
  • Documentation that the candidate has successfully completed his/her fourth year of teaching if this requirement was not met prior to program start





Admissions Requirements

  • Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0. If a candidate does not meet the GPA requirement, the candidate may be conditionally admitted to the program and must complete two courses in the program with a B or better for full acceptance.
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
  • Standard Instructional Certificate: A copy of the candidate’s Certification or Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing is required.
  • Teacher Evaluation Outcomes: If available, candidates will submit a recommendation letter from their principal indicating that they have earned at least two annual summative ratings of effective or highly effective during the 3 most recent years. If unavailable at the time of application, this requirement must be met by program completion.
  • Years of successful teaching experience: Candidates need to complete 4 years of teaching by program completion.

Curriculum Requirements

Requirements List

GED-621Prologue to Contemporary Educational Practice


GED-622Collaborative Teaching Concepts


GED-623Assessment & Evaluation: Relevant Instructional Design Models


GED-624Teachers As Change Agents & Educational Research