GED-623 Assessment & Evaluation: Relevant Instructional Design Models

This course is designed to introduce the concepts of student assessment and evaluation and their importance in the field of education. The course provides a theoretical and practical foundation for teachers with emphasis on the relationship among assessment, teaching, and learning and the implications for standards-based classroom instruction. Students will become knowledgeable in regards to current trends in assessment, types of assessments and their characteristics and uses, the testing program in New Jersey, analyzing and using assessment data, developing performance objectives outcomes and assessment plans to evaluate lessons and student learning, and developing a classroom-based assessment program and grading/record-keeping system. The course takes an in-depth look at authentic assessment in the context of learning theory, effective educational practices, and the constructivist classroom. In addition, students will be able to better understand and apply their knowledge of ISTE, NCTM, NCTE, Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and other important standards of learning.
