Academic Code of Conduct
As an academic community, Centenary University endorses the pursuit of knowledge through open and honest discourse. Therefore, the University expects students to conduct themselves honestly in all academic activities. Any action, which compromises this integrity or otherwise attempts to discredit the knowledge a student has acquired is inappropriate and unacceptable. Through continued participation in the academic code of conduct, students demonstrate respect for Centenary's commitment to academic excellence. It is the intent of the University faculty and trustees that each student acknowledges and adheres to the code. The following definitions of academic code violations encompass misrepresentations of fact and falsification of any portion of the academic process:
- Plagiarism is knowingly copying published or unpublished material without acknowledging the source.
- Duplicate course assignment is submitting the same assignment without the instructor's approval for more than one course, or submitting an assignment based on another student's work.
- Collusion is working with one or more students without the approval of the instructor to complete a project that is expected to be the result of individual effort.
- Unacceptable classroom conduct includes (a) disruptive and disrespectful behavior; (b) cheating during examinations and laboratory projects by sharing material, looking at another's work, use of unauthorized books, sources, or memory aids, and/or communicating verbally or non-verbally in order to attain assistance; (c) other types of inappropriate actions that impede the learning process.
- Falsifying information is intentionally giving fraudulent information for the purpose of (a) avoiding negative sanctions; (b) seeking special privileges; (c) assisting another in these purposes.
- Computer interference is causing damage to or disruption of on-line databases housed on campus, including piracy of copyrighted material and inappropriate duplication of computer disk information.
Sanctions for the violation of the “Academic Code of Conduct” are determined by the instructor, but they are limited to academic sanctions pertaining to the course in question – e.g., resubmitting the assignment, grade reduction, failure of the course, etc. Recommendations for more severe sanctions are to be forwarded to the Academic Review Board. Students have the right to appeal sanctions to the Academic Review Board in compliance with the policies of Centenary University and the “Academic Code of Conduct.” Copies of the “Academic Code of Conduct,” in its entirety and with appeal procedures, may be secured from the Registrar's Office.
All students are expected to adhere to Centenary University’s policy concerning Academic Honesty. Any student found cheating, plagiarizing, submitting non-original work, etc., will receive a grade of zero (0) for that work. Flagrant cases of academic dishonesty may result in the student’s being dismissed from the class and referred to the Academic Review Board for further action or sanction as deemed appropriate, up to and including dismissal from Centenary University.
Individual instructors or departments may impose additional penalties. Check the syllabus for the policy that applies to each class.