Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. It is especially important for students to attend classes during the first week.  If a student is deemed not in attendance or not engaged in a class during that first week they will be administratively withdrawn from that class.  This may impact tuition and financial aid.

A student who finds it necessary to be absent from class should, as a matter of courtesy, inform the instructor in advance of the absence. If absences occur, it is the student's responsibility to make up the work missed and to contact the instructor in regard to the missed work. Permission to make up any type of course assignments may be granted at the discretion of the instructor. Each faculty member is required to establish and monitor the attendance policy for each of the assigned courses they teach. The attendance policy must be stated in the syllabus and distributed the first day of class, or stated on a separate attendance policy sheet and distributed the first day of class. An instructor may lower a student's grade due to excessive absences, because in many classes the student's presence and participation are important in completing the work of the class and achieving success in the course. In some instances, excessive absences will result in poor grades or failure.